Snow — Poem by Chaya Mushka Kievman
BS"D It's sprinkled on those towering mountains, like icing sugar
BS"D It's sprinkled on those towering mountains, like icing sugar
Darkness permeating the air Engulfing, drawing in Dejection and despair;
Friday rushed by Full of running and cooking And cleaning
As the week goes by, I sit in the tall
I bring my hands toward me, the wrinkles she does
Shabbos, Shabbos is the best, It’s the day Hashem did
I see my candle glowing bright, As it shines so
BS"D Adon Olam, one of the tefillos we recite in
A woman looks ahead, Tears glistening in her eyes, Gives
Every woman is a special candle Waiting to be lit