Gratitude: Transform Your View, Transform Your World
BS"D Weaving our way through the parsha, this week the
BS"D Weaving our way through the parsha, this week the
BS"D This parsha post is dedicated as a zechus for
BS"D I dedicate this parsha post l'ilui nishmas all those
BS"D TTO: אנא עבדא **************************************************** I am Hashem, Anochi, From
BS"D TTO: אזמר בשבחין ****************************************** Parshas Mishpotim talks about being a
BS"D Good Shabbos to everyone! I dedicate these divrei Torah
BS"D There was once a king who was getting old.
BH I have always created candlesticks over the years but
BS"D Tune: יפרח בימיו צדיק Appoint judges in every city indeed,
BS"D Good Erev Shabbos! I dedicate the following divrei Torah