Reflections on Hashem’s Love and Shabbos Candle-Lighting by Laila Ritz
Written by Laila Ritz, a member of our JGU Virtual
Written by Laila Ritz, a member of our JGU Virtual
We light the candles with a special prayer, This happens
BS"D Lighting a candle is like lighting a person’s life
BH One Shabbat, we had a non-religious guest. She didn’t
BH I love Shabbat because whenever I light my candle,
Cool Awesome night Night that is fun Difficult lighter Lovely
BS"D **************** ''Mommy I am going to the supermarket. I
Everywhere around the world, On the very same day Jewish
She stood there Tall, proud and regal With righteousness that
BH Two weeks ago, on Shabbos, Hashem blessed me