Parshas Eikev Song by Chaya Mushka
BS"D To Tune Of: Anim Zemiros (niggun)/ אנעים זמירות If we
BS"D To Tune Of: Anim Zemiros (niggun)/ אנעים זמירות If we
BS"D To Tune Of: אזמר בשבחין Moshe begged Hashem, "In
BS"D Good Erev Shabbos! I dedicate this parsha-post as a
As the sun is beginning to lower When the day
Candles burning, Lives are turning, Each one a flame With
A flickering flame A dancing light A glowing spark A
Beginning in New Zealand The first flame is kindled, The
BH Years ago on this day Our home was torn
BS"D The air of Yerushalayim feels pure and holy, and
BS"D Good Shabbos to everyone! I dedicate this parsha-post for