Picturing the Parsha: Chayei Sarah
Do you ever try to... picture the Parsha? To envision
Do you ever try to... picture the Parsha? To envision
Do you ever try to... picture the Parsha? To envision
Do you ever try to... picture the Parsha? To envision
After the Great Flood Noach became drunk and exposed in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZTK59kU3uo I proudly present you a shortened recap of the
I face two roads One blessing One curse I must
B"H The following throughts were presented at our most recent
BS"D Today I'd like to focus on the Parsha, and
BS"D Weaving our way through the parsha, this week the
BS"D As we enter this week’s Parsha, Vayeira, Hashem sends