“By the Order of Whom?” – The Inner Compass of the Jewess
BS"D A note from the author: Today, on the 27th
BS"D A note from the author: Today, on the 27th
BS"D I dedicate this parsha post l'lui nishmas Rut bas
BS"D I dedicate these divrei Torah b'zechut Yitzchak Levi haCohen
BS"D Sarah thought of the nights when she observed Jewish
BH My first memory of lighting Shabbat candles was when
BS"D Good Shabbos to everyone! I dedicate this parsha-post for
BS"D Hi everyone! Today, my cousins, Yaffah and Shoshana Ferber,
Once upon a time there lived a girl whose name
"Hadara," whimpered my 4 year old sister, Tzofiya, as she