Chanukah Poem by Chaya Mushka Kievman
BS"D A darkness swept into the land, Yevanim tried to
BS"D A darkness swept into the land, Yevanim tried to
BS"D Hashem, even if forever we would thank You, אילו
BS"D Tune: אל תירא ***************************************************** Chorus: Yaakov had a favorite
In this Parshat Vayishlach, Rachel died suddenly at the young
BS"D Mayim Bialik is an Orthodox Jewish woman, as
BS"D I dedicate this parsha post as a zechus for
BS"D Tune: אבוא בגבורות ********************************************* Yaakov was travelling to Eretz
BS"D Tune: פרזות תשב ירושלים *********************************************** Yaakov, to Charan would go,
BS"D I dedicate this parsha post as a zechus for
BS"D *Please note: The strong language used in this poem