Tune: מי לי


Make for me a Mishkan, ועשו לי מקדשAnd I shall dwell in them, ושכנתי בתוכם


In the Holy of Holies, Kodesh Hakodashim,
Was the golden aron with the kruvim,
The Shulchan had twelve wooden rows,
On it was the holy loaves.
From one piece of gold, the Menorah you shall make,
With flowers, knobs and goblets its stems decorate.


The Mizbeach Hanechoshes from  wood was made,
On it, Korbanos to Hashem we gave.
The Mishkan’s curtains were woven purple, blue and red,
They were wool and linen twisted.
Lions and eagles were weaved on them,
Sockets and beams held the house of Hashem.
