Parashas PinchasParashas Pinchas opens up in the aftermath of the plague which Pinchas zealously brought an end to by killing the perpetrators of a huge sin. Hashem tells Moshe Rabbeinu that in reward for Pinchas’ action, he will be rewarded Hashem’s “covenant of peace” which means that he will become a Kohein, a priest. (Pinchas is a grandchild of Aharon HaKohein but since he was born before his father was anointed, he originally wasn’t a priest.) Hashem tells the Jewish people that Midyan should be killed and fought for the sin they caused the Jews to do and the plague that ensued.

Following the plague, Hashem instructs Moshe Rabbeinu and his nephew, Elazar HaKohein, to take a census of the Jewish people. The census is taken and the men between twenty and sixty number at 601,730. The tribe of Levi is counted separately, and they number 23,000 males from the age of one month and on.

The parasha continues with the complaint of the daughters of Tzelafchad. Tzelafchad was a man who died in the desert and left only daughters. His daughters now come before Moshe Rabbeinu asking for a portion of the land for their family. Moshe Rabbeinu brings the claim before Hashem and the family is granted a portion even though they’re women.

Hashem brings Moshe Rabbeinu up to Har Ha’avarim to see the land of Eretz Yisroel before he dies. Moshe Rabbeinu asks that Hashem appoint a successor to him to lead the Jewish people. Hashem tells him that Yehoshua bin Nun, his loyal student, will succeed him and will lead the nation into Eretz Yisroel.

Next we learn about the Korban Tamid, the daily offering, followed by the Mussaf, additional, offerings brought on every Yom Tov, holiday throughout the year. Each one has its own specifications and laws.

After learning these laws from Hashem, Moshe Rabbeinu teaches them to the people.