Devorah Leah Bialo lives in Oregon with her family as campus Chabad shluchim.  She is a recent Bat Mitzvah, is currently writing a book, and attend the JGU Virtual School!

We interviewed Devorah Leah for an upcoming Spotlight Sunday at Jewish Girls Unite! 

In this feature, we will meet a different Jewish girl from around the world each week!  Stay tuned for more; and feel free to introduce yourself  and start a discussion in the comment section, below!


Q.) What is something most people don’t know about you?

DLB: I like to sing!

Q.) Why were you inspired to write a book?

DLB: I read books and so I also want to write my own!

Q.) How have you gained from Jewish Girls Unite?

DLB: This past summer I went to the JGU Creative Online Camp.  From there, I went to attend the new JGU Virtual School!


Do you want to contribute to the JGU Blog?  We welcome submissions from all Jewish girls!  The JGU Blog is a global platform for your self-expression and talents, to inspire and be inspired by girls like you!  Send your work or suggestions and ideas to

We will also be posting daily on our social media for Spotlight Sunday, Mitzvah Mondays, Talent Tuesdays, Wonder Woman Wednesdays, Thinking Thursdays, and Friendship Fridays.  Got a Mitzvah project you’re passionate about?  Know a special Jewish woman you want to honor with a shoutout?  Have some tips for friendships?  Send your stories, photos, writing or art to us with the subject “Daily Posts” for a chance to be featured on Instagram @jewishgirlsunite!