Healthy snack ideas
Hi everyone! How are you all doing? Eating healthily I hope… (Sorry about last week, I was finally actually busy! Is that even possible?)

So, I wanted to wish you a chodesh tov from yesterday. Who’s excited for Chanukkah? (Me!!) We all know that Chanukkah isn’t the healthiest holiday by far. But more on that in the coming weeks.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how school has started. Even if you’re learning from home, I’m guessing you are in some sort of routine now. If you’re feeling stressed about school just read my post from three weeks ago. What happens when lunch time rolls around? How about snack time? Are you taking out your PB&J with a sigh, wishing you had something more… well, exciting? So read on to find out about some cute, easy, exciting and healthy snacks!

Ingredients you might want to have on hand: (most of them you will probably find right in your pantry or fridge.)
– Apples
– Grapes
– Rice cakes
– Celery
– Raisins/ cranberries
– Cottage cheese
– Cucumbers
– Peanut butter (preferably 100% peanuts. You know me and my 100%’s…)
– 100% chocolate (hey, told you!)
– Avocadoes
– Dates
– Prunes
– Nuts (cashew, almond, walnut, pecan, brazil, etc.)
– Apple/orange juice (made from… you guessed it, 100% fruit!)
– Whole grain crackers
– Any other fruit or vegetable you have

Idea #1: Celery boats
You will need: Celery, raisins/cranberries, peanut butter, cottage cheese.
Fill up washed stalks of celery with either peanut butter or cottage cheese and sprinkle with raisins/cranberries. So cute and so fun!

Idea #2: Avocado crackers
You will need- whole grain crackers, avocado, lemon juice, salt
Just spread the avocado on the crackers, drizzle with lemon and a pinch of salt. It’s as easy (and delicious) as that! (Just make sure your avocados are ripe.  Under-ripe avocados = bitter.

Idea #3: Snack pack
You will need- sandwich bag, dates, nuts, prunes, 100% chocolate and a small amount of dried fruit. (With no added sugar.)
These ingredients are meant to be together! Tip- I like stuffing my date with nuts/chocolate. It makes it taste doubly delicious!

Idea #4: Apple bombs
You will need- Apples, peanut butter, slivered almonds
Core the inside of the apple. (You made need some adult help here.) Spoon peanut butter into the hole and sprinkle with slivered almond. Yum!

Idea #5: Fruit juice ices
You will need: apple/orange juice, plastic cups, plastic spoons
Who can resist an ice? Even in the middle of winter (; Just remember to wear gloves so your hands won’t become frozen (:

Enjoy! If you want to experiment with these or other ingredients- go for it! Just get parent’s permission and remember to use your imagination!