Shabbos Candle-Lighting Visualization and Poem by Devorah Drelich
BS"D Picture This! You are standing by the candles, nothing
BS"D Picture This! You are standing by the candles, nothing
BH Welcoming the Shabbos into the world when we light
Hi, my name is Chana Korn, and I am 12 years
BS"D Hello everyone! I know this Pesach-related post is rather late,
BH Friday evening everyone in my family comes to light
BS"D "Every Friday night I light Shabbos candles with my
BSD Hi, this is a poem about the power of
BH Hello and Shabbat Shalom all dear readers! I hope that
I have a flashlight, but it's broken. Sometimes it works,
BH Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I am getting my