“Hey, have you heard about Ahava Magazine?  It’s a brand new email magazine, created by girls like you!”

Hi, my name’s Chaya, and I started this email magazine for girls, called Ahava Magazine.  It started out as a vague idea, something I never thought could really happen.  But it did, and we just sent out our first issue.

Our motto is “For Teens, By Teens,” because that’s what we are: A place for any girl to express herself, and show what she can do; a place to be a part of something; a place to make new friends.  Anyone can join the team.  Simply click on the link below and fill out the form.  That’s all.

You can also subscribe to Ahava Magazine.  Just email Ahavamagazine@gmail.com with the subject-line, “Subscribe.”  Ahava is completely free, and you can cancel at any time.  Please help us spread the word by telling your friends and family.  If you have any questions or comments, then please email us at Ahavamagazine@gmail.com.

Thank You,
Chaya Gurevitz

Ahava Magazine-For Teens, By Teens
Subscribe-Join The Team-Spread The Word

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