Hope everyone had a good week! I had finals in school! :( But writing the parsha blog always makes me feel better! :)
So let’s get to parsha: – The parsha starts with the instructions for Aharon, who is the high priest, to light the menorah in the mishkan.
– Then we read about the Leviim (Levites) starting to work in the mishkan. Every man from the Leviim between ages 20 and 50 served in the mishkan.
– We also read about Pesach Sheini (literally, “Second Passover”), which is a day for all of the people who were impure on Pesach and could not bring the Korban Pesach to bring it.
– Then the parsha tells us about how the Jews camped in the desert, including the man, which was the food that they ate.
– Miriam, Moshe’s sister, speaks about him, so the parsha ends off telling us that she is stricken with tzaraat.
Now for the Dvar Torah:
When the Jews were in the desert, Hashem basically provided for them. Every day, man came down to the Jews, and they even got water from a rock! Yet throughout the years in the desert, the Torah tells us that the Jews were always complaining.
We should try to learn from the Jews’ mistake and always have trust in Hashem that He will protect us. We should not complain about the little things that go wrong in our life, as the Jews did.
The question is a little different this week: I have been doing the parsha blog for some time now, so I would love to know your thoughts on it! What do you like about the parsha blog? What do you dislike? What would you like to see on the parsha blog?
<3 Tamar
Did Miriam speak about him, or did she speak about his wife?
Technically, she spoke about his wife, but it was insulting to him as well. What she said was something along the lines of, “I can’t believe Tziporah lets Moshe go off all day and barely spend time with her.” So yes, officially it was about Tziporah, but my teacher taught us that it was an insult to Moshe, too.
Miriam did something like “I hope we don’t have to separate from our spouses like Tzipporah had to”, we just learned this in chumash class and i did a skit on it.
Well, yeah, because husband and wife are considered as one. Chavah was taken from Adam’s side or rib, so I guess that’s where that one comes from.
I learned that she said something like, “Why was Moshe separated from his wife? I (we) am also a Navia and I didn’t do that!” By saying that, Miriam was speaking Lashon Hara, even though she didn’t mean it as an insult.
Now that I’m reading in the Chumash, I think that all of this (including what I wrote) is Midrash, because what is says in the Chumash is that Miriam criticized the fact that Moshe had married a Cushite woman. Nothing more than that.
It should all be in Rashi. Its much more of a story and much more interesting if you look into the Mefarshim.
We also learned that she is called a Cushite woman because everyone agreed about her beauty just like everyone agrees that a Cushite has dark skin.
What I learned was a commentary.
There are many different opinions…
Yes, I saw that, too, Tamar. She only meant it for his good, and so did Aharon, who agreed with Miriam.
Loved having a discussion with all of you! If you ever have a question on another parsha blog post, feel free to start a discussion there, too! :)
This was great! I love your blog Tamar!! :)
Thanks, Yael! I appreciate your compliments! :)
yeah it was and is great!