I’m sure I speak for everyone here at Yaldah in wishing you a Chag Kasher V’Sameach–Happy Passover!

Hope you enjoyed the Nissan Issue! I’m so proud to see our first digital issue came out so well!

The cover features Bat Mitzvah Star (and Editorial Board Member) Laya Fishman. Click here to find out how you can be a Bat Mitzvah Star.

What was your favorite part of the issue? Post your answers below!

Looking forward to the new issues from the EDBOARD 2013!

Don’t forget to submit by emailing submit@yaldah.com.

Last but not least, we are having an issue planning meeting after Yom Tov (for the Tammuz Issue!), If you have any feature/article suggestions please send them in or post them below!

Enjoy the rest of Yom Tov,
