I have 2 favorite exercises: I LOVE swimming! Since I live in Florida, there are many beaches and pools and lots of places to swim! You can do all different kinds of exercise there, and laps, and all different types of ways to swim. I also like running on the treadmill. You can listen to music on an iPod, or MP3, or any device. You can go however fast or however slow you need. There are many ways to do exercise and a lot are fun!

B.H. age 14, FL

I like walking because you can read, listen to music, daven or say some Tehillim, or watch a movie (if you are on a treadmill). The best part about doing these things is that you don’t realize that you are exercising. The time goes by so fast! Also, I like playing basketball. I’m on a team, and when I play it’s fun and it’s exercise!

Chana Shaina, age 12, OH

My favorite kinds of exercise are running, stretching, walking, and bicycling.

Sivan, age 12, CA

My favorite type of exercise is playing sports because you are exercising and at the same time you are having fun!

Sarit, age 11, FL

My favorite type of exercise is swimming. I love it! It’s not as tiring as a treadmill, or running, or anything else like that, but you still use all parts of your body.

Yael, age 14, Montreal

My FAVORITE exercise is running! I love to run! Not only does it give me more energy throughout the day, but it actually releases something called ‘serotonin’ in the body that makes the runner happy. So cool!

Hinda, age 14, PA

What’s YOUR favorite type of exercise? Comment below!