I’ve had lots of girls ask how to be on the cover, so here’s the deal. Any Jewish girl can submit a photo for us to consider for the cover. Here are the guidelines and tips for how to get on the cover:

1. You SUBMIT a photo. This is not a guarantee that you will be on the cover. The most important thing is the quality of the photo, photos below a certain quality just won’t work. We can’t promise you’ll be on the cover until we see how the actual photo turns out.
2. The photo should be taken portrait style (up and down) as opposed to landscape style.
3. Leave room at the top to put the YALDAH logo.
4. Our cover models must be dressed modestly. Photographers agree that dressing modestly focuses the attention on the face. Girls should be wearing skirts that cover the knee, sleeves that cover the elbow, and a neckline that covers the collarbone, and a shirt that isn’t too tight. No slogans or logo’s on shirts.
5.Our covers have 1-5 Jewish girls on them. Girls should be ages 8-14.
6. Try to choose a color scheme and make sure the colors and patterns of the clothes don’t clash.
7. Take the photo in good lighting where there aren’t too many shadows. Outdoor lighting is best (at certain times of the day)
8. Keep the background simple and clutter free.
9. Use the largest possible image with the highest resolution that you can. Since the cover is blown up big, it has to be very sharp. Please don’t send us photos through services like snapshish or shutterfly.
10. Take LOTS of photos. We take over 100 photos sometimes, and then we have lots to choose from to find the perfect shot. When you submit a photo, it’s best to submit more than one for us to choose from.
You can look at past covers of YALDAH at www.geocities.com/leah_yaldah/about_us.html to see what has worked well in the past.

E-mail possible cover photos to yaldah@comcast.net. Make sure you ask permission from all the girls in the photo as well as their parents, for them to be on the cover. Include the names of all the girls in the photo as well as the photographer. We’ll let you know if we can use it!