Happy Wednesday!

I was helping my mom take a photo for her new iPad magazine, called JustJewIt. She wanted a photo of a book of Tehillim, but couldn’t find any online that were decent and that she could purchase. She then had the brilliant idea of asking me to take a few photographs for her! The thing was, it was already about 7:00 or 8:00 p.m. which meant the lighting would be horrible… or at best, really hard to work with.  So we went on a quest to get the perfect lighting, pose, and backdrop for this beautiful new Tehillim I had just bought her as an I-love-you gift. We managed to put together a “studio” that consisted of a white Shabbat tablecloth as a backdrop, a huge desk lamp for lighting, and my little camera and me as the photographer and tools. My mom was really happy with the result, and published it in her magazine!

This experience was almost like an experiment for me. I’d never really set up a mini-studio at home, mainly because I thought it would take too much time, or the result wouldn’t be as good if the lighting was artificial and not natural. (I’m a steadfast nature photographer, and I still hold fast to the theory that natural light is better.) After I played around with the lighting settings on my favorite editing website Picmonkey.com and added a few effects (one being light streaks), I saw that artificial light isn’t so bad after all.

My little experiment also taught me a lesson in life, as well as photography. It just goes to show that when you start to give your brain a creative workout, you can really produce things you didn’t think would ever occur in the beginning. It was pretty cool to work with something Jewish, and that it was being published!


Have a good rest of the week, readers, and a good Shabbos, and see you next time with some new photos!
