My most cherished candle-lighting experience, is when my grandparents join us for Leil Shabbos. As the sun begins its golden descent, I usher my mother and grandmother to a side table, where I lovingly set up the Shabbos candles earlier. As soon as I cover my eyes and recite the Bracha, I feel deeply inspired and close to Hashem. I share with Him my personal Tefillos, and an incomparable feeling of calmness envelopes me. I know Hashem has heard my Tefillos, as I draw my hands from my eyes, and that contributes towards my content, Shabbos-enhanced feelings. But, as I kiss my Ima and Bubby good Shabbos, it is like nothing else to stand back to admire the lights kindled by 3 generations, and to stand beside these beloved women, as I, Baruch Hashem, am so privileged to do.

— Tzipporah Prottas, Age 13
Connecticut, USA