I live in California. In the midst of a drought, it seemed for so long that we never had cloudy days. But with this month’s theme, it was suggested that I take photos of the stars. It was humorous and ironic that the only clear nights were Shabbos… LOL… So, I tried to think of things that seemed as numerous as the stars. The first thing that came to mind was dirt, but who really wants to look at pictures of dirt? _DSC4025Leaves are brighter, but still weren’t quite what I was looking for. Oranges, tangerines, and lemons also came to mind as beautiful fruits. However, their characteristics didn’t emulate those of stars.

Pomegranates… They have tons of seeds. When you open a pomegranate, the amount of seeds inside is seemingly endless._DSC4015 (2) When light hits the surface of a pomegranate seed, it shines like a jewel or a metaphorical star! If you observe a pomegranate that is still hanging on the tree by the end of the pomegranate season, you may see that the birds have consumed all of its seeds. Despite this, one gleaming seed may remain.

Just as one ostensibly insignificant seed has the ability to brighten a demolished pomegranate, each one of us has the ability to bring light to darkness.