Congratulations to all girls who submitted to our First Shine Your Light Campaign!

You are all winners…

 but we could only choose one winner for the iPad Mini sponsored by Linda Schwartz and family in honor of their daughter, Meirah’s Bat Mitzvah and in memory of the life of Anne Frank and her 70th yartzeit.
And the winner is: Ariella Woolf from Australia who submitted this photo of Anne Frank with her submission. How amazing that the Shine Your Light Concept was inspired by Anne Frank and so is our winner inspired to spread light because of Anne Frank. What a beautiful way to honor the life of Anne Frank with light and love!!
Shine Bright Campaing
My name is Ariella Woolf. I am a 15 year old girl, living in Melbourne, Australia. I started a blog called Spread The Light because I wanted to make a Change and Spread The Light. It is a blog for Jewish people around the world regardless of their backgrounds. It was first started on January 1st 2014 in Australia and since then has grown with over 1400 subscribers from all around the world. We try to spread the light of Torah and Chassidut to all corners of the world and encourage others to be lamplighters and to let their inner lights shine and make a positive impact on the world.The photo I am submitting is one of Anne Frank herself with the Quote “How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world” I chose this post because this Quote is what inspired me to start Spread The Light. It shows that a girl like Anne Frank, who spent many years in hiding in the dark, surrounded by fear every moment, could always see good. Even though any moment they could be discovered and killed, she was optimistic and always thought about making a positive change in the world. Her death meant that she was not able to see the change that she hoped for in person. I want to be able to help make this dream come true.
If you push a ball, it will keep rolling. In this case, Anne Frank was the initial movement that started the ball rolling and I feel that it is up to us to fulfill her dream by Making A Change in the world and bringing out the Light in each and every one of us.


Ariella Woolf