As Shabbos approached, each girl decorated her own candle stick with beautiful gems. With our decorated candlesticks ready, we all had a pre Shabbos snack of chicken schnitzel and kugel. Yum. As it started to get dark we lit our Shabbos candles.  It was such a special time. together we prayed Kabblat Shabbat. Once everyone finished they got to enjoy the scrumpcious meal. First was a fish course with gefilte fish, dips, challah, and salad. Then was the soup course and finally the main course. We had chicken, veggie kugel, and rice. After we bentched, tthe Yaldah division  had a story with Rabbi Laber. BMC and TLC divisions got to listen to a lovely fabrangen led by Mr. and Mrs.  Sobel, our shabbos guests.

Saturday was even more exciting! We  had breakfast and davening. Followed by games and activities. The Shabbos lunch came and again the  food was amazing!  First the fish course, then a lunch of sweet potato pie, cold chicken, and cholent. Both meals were full of singing and fun. After was a long rest hour.

Following rest hour was mincha and perki avos. Then was shalos sedous that had yummy salads. Next was my favorite part, dufus and dora, sedar niggumim, and finally havdallah. The teens then had a yummy malave malka. What a beautiful shabbos!