This week I couldn’t think of what to write about, so I’ll just start with a clarification: My family may not be making aliyah, but just going for a year. But I really do not believe that, and think we’ll all love it so much that we’ll want to stay forever. So my blog is not mislabeled.

In Ivrit (Hebrew) class earlier this week, my teacher came to me and asked if I wanted to read a book in Hebrew – a privilege that only the girls who speak Hebrew in their homes got to do! I surprised her by telling her I was already reading one (which, as you may recall, I mentioned I’m reading “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” in Hebrew in a comment a while ago, or rather הארי פוטר והנסיך חצוי הדם) and am on page 339 now (actually, it was more like 305 back then). Then she asked if I wanted to do a book report on it when I’m done. I can’t wait! I love when we get projects and such in Ivrit class because I love typing in Hebrew. I type about 10 WPM (words per minute) at the moment. It’s pretty slow, but better than not knowing the keyboard at all!

Speaking of typing, right now I’m typing up a story that my brother wrote a few years ago in Hebrew when we were in Israel for his bar mitzvah. It’s not perfect Hebrew, but then he was only in eighth grade back then. Right now he is pretty much fluent! Maybe when I’m done I’ll make a post for it with a translation. It is very funny. It’s called  אני חתול (I Am a Cat) and is from the point of view of an anti-Semitic cat who is like Haman from Purim.

Tomorrow will be my math end-of-semester finals. Or rather on Monday, the 6th. I’m not the greatest at math, but I just need to be grateful it’s not in Hebrew yet. Wish me good luck!

