i’m in 6th grade and i walk to school with my younger sister who is 4. my school is just 3 blocks and 3 streets away from of my house. 2 of the streets have a crossing guard.
rachel evans
03/13/2012 at 12:10 AM
i’m also in sixth grade but my mother drives my sister and I since it is very far
ahuva braun
03/13/2012 at 1:22 AM
i take a train and a city bus every day and my attendance teacher doesn’t understand that i am not in control of public transportation coming on time!
03/14/2012 at 1:42 AM
my father drives me to school every day
03/14/2012 at 5:13 PM
i walk if the weathers ok
03/15/2012 at 12:44 AM
I always drive with my parents, it just depends which one. My dad leaves early and he teaches at my school so he has to be there an half an hour early. Some times I miss that ride. My mom will leave a little later, because she works there too, but she almost ends up being late. It’s hard to be early but it’s worse beings late.
Yael Conway
03/15/2012 at 1:00 AM
I’m in 8th grade and i walk to school almost every day since 1rst grade
Meira Goldberg
03/16/2012 at 1:09 AM
school bus :)
leah nerenberg
03/18/2012 at 5:05 PM
I bike to school, rain and wind, cold and heat. it takes around 2and a half minutes as opposed to walking, which would take 15 minutes.
03/23/2012 at 7:58 PM
i go to online school :)
my computer is in my room
03/25/2012 at 2:22 AM
I also go to Shluchim Online School – just walk a few steps to my computer :D
rivky g
03/26/2012 at 10:50 PM
i just gotta run down a flight of stairs to my comp :)
03/31/2012 at 10:24 PM
online schoolers r lucky
Tzivi Wenger
04/01/2012 at 4:44 PM
Me 2!
Judith R
04/01/2012 at 5:46 PM
i normally get driven to school. i could walk, but i get up to late. i do walk home from school though!
Judith R
04/01/2012 at 5:48 PM
u’r so lucky!
04/01/2012 at 8:45 PM
we live only 2 minutes away from school but my parents drive us anyway…. lucky us!
04/02/2012 at 1:19 PM
My school is in Monsey and one of my parents drive me everyday since its out of NJ(I live in NJ)
04/02/2012 at 6:04 PM
i go with a carpool, hate it though, cuz they are ALWAYS LATE!!!!
chana c
04/03/2012 at 6:04 PM
same :P
M. Greenberg
04/15/2012 at 8:10 PM
Monday: My father drives me to my school.
Tuesday: My father drives me to my school.
Wednesday: Usually my aunt, and once in a while my father or mother.
Thursday: Usually my aunt, and once in a while my father or mother.
Friday: My father drives me to my school.
05/03/2012 at 8:34 PM
i have a bus poor u u have 2 be urself
08/10/2012 at 9:48 AM
i love the candle pic
07/14/2013 at 10:42 AM
1.why is the title how do you get to school but photos of different stuff?
2.are you still able to vote cause I don’t see were you can?
Sarah Chava
10/03/2013 at 1:07 PM
Why can’t I see this poll?
When I opened the page, it says:
[poll id=”17″
What’s wrong?
12/16/2013 at 7:06 PM
it doesn’t work!
12/16/2013 at 9:14 PM
when i lived in NJ my father would drive us to school and my mother would pick us up (it was a 45min ride) but now I live in NY and school is 2min away so we walk
Leora Weinreich
12/17/2013 at 7:49 PM
My school is in the process of being rebuilt, so we’re in a place 15 minutes away, so now I walk. I wish it weren’t being rebuilt, though, because for one thing I loved the old school and also, it’s fun to walk.
06/08/2014 at 7:25 AM
GO ONLINE SCHOOLERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i simply get into my room
that must be hard
i’m in 6th grade and i walk to school with my younger sister who is 4. my school is just 3 blocks and 3 streets away from of my house. 2 of the streets have a crossing guard.
i’m also in sixth grade but my mother drives my sister and I since it is very far
i take a train and a city bus every day and my attendance teacher doesn’t understand that i am not in control of public transportation coming on time!
my father drives me to school every day
i walk if the weathers ok
I always drive with my parents, it just depends which one. My dad leaves early and he teaches at my school so he has to be there an half an hour early. Some times I miss that ride. My mom will leave a little later, because she works there too, but she almost ends up being late. It’s hard to be early but it’s worse beings late.
I’m in 8th grade and i walk to school almost every day since 1rst grade
school bus :)
I bike to school, rain and wind, cold and heat. it takes around 2and a half minutes as opposed to walking, which would take 15 minutes.
i go to online school :)
my computer is in my room
I also go to Shluchim Online School – just walk a few steps to my computer :D
i just gotta run down a flight of stairs to my comp :)
online schoolers r lucky
Me 2!
i normally get driven to school. i could walk, but i get up to late. i do walk home from school though!
u’r so lucky!
we live only 2 minutes away from school but my parents drive us anyway…. lucky us!
My school is in Monsey and one of my parents drive me everyday since its out of NJ(I live in NJ)
i go with a carpool, hate it though, cuz they are ALWAYS LATE!!!!
same :P
Monday: My father drives me to my school.
Tuesday: My father drives me to my school.
Wednesday: Usually my aunt, and once in a while my father or mother.
Thursday: Usually my aunt, and once in a while my father or mother.
Friday: My father drives me to my school.
i have a bus poor u u have 2 be urself
i love the candle pic
1.why is the title how do you get to school but photos of different stuff?
2.are you still able to vote cause I don’t see were you can?
Why can’t I see this poll?
When I opened the page, it says:
[poll id=”17″
What’s wrong?
it doesn’t work!
when i lived in NJ my father would drive us to school and my mother would pick us up (it was a 45min ride) but now I live in NY and school is 2min away so we walk
My school is in the process of being rebuilt, so we’re in a place 15 minutes away, so now I walk. I wish it weren’t being rebuilt, though, because for one thing I loved the old school and also, it’s fun to walk.
GO ONLINE SCHOOLERZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i simply get into my room