While attending a JGU Creative Online Writing Club (Adar I 19/February 24) led by a pair of our own students, Temima Rocklin from Toronto, Canada, wrote this beautiful poem to apply the theme of transforming your story from “victimized” to “victorious” and to find the light of purpose in the darkness of struggle.  Yasher Koach, Temima!

My best friend moved away.

I’m sad, and it’s painful; I miss her so much now.

How could such a thing happen, how?

I am upset, and my heart is aching.

Maybe I shouldn’t do any more friend-making.

Sometimes I am in tears –

What if I don’t see her for years?

What good could possibly come of this?


Then something happens:

I realize it’s true that Hashem has His reasons for what He does.

I’m good, and I’m okay, even if I’m sad;

Hashem has reasons, so I’m not mad.

Good can come out of this!


I used to only see my friend every Wednesday,

But now I call her a few times a week, hooray!

I am more motivated to try not to be shy,

To talk to new people, and say “hi.”

I will make more friends!


On Purim we wear costumes, hiding our true selves.

Similarly, sometimes Hashem is hidden from us;

Sometimes it’s hard to see

That He is always there to protect us –

Even if we get stung by a bee.

If we look and try to find the good that’s in our lives,

Hashem will help reveal to us all the light.


Just like Queen Esther, at first the light was hard to see,

But in the end she saw it, and helped us to be free!

At first she didn’t see the light, she thought it was all gone,

But in the end she saved us from evil Haman!