Hi Everyone!

Hope you all had an easy fast! Looking forward to Sukkot?

–          This week’s parsha is Parshat Haazinu. In the parsha, Moshe sings a song to the Jewish people before he passes away. In this song, he reminds the Jews of their history and rebukes them for all they did wrong. Also, Moshe reminds the Jews that even if they sin and Hashem punishes them, He will never forget them.

–          Moshe’s song begins with a summary of the history of the Jewish nation. He reminds the Jews how Hashem took them out of Egypt, gave them the Torah, and brought them to the land of Israel.

–          Next, Moshe sings about the times that the Jews sinned and worshipped idols. Hashem said that He would hide His face from them. But then, Moshe completes his song reassuring the Jewish people that Hashem will never forget them.

–          The parsha ends off with Hashem telling Moshe to go up on Mount Nebo, where he will see the land of Israel, but he will not go in. He will die on that mountain.


There is a verse in the parsha that says, “Because G‑d’s portion is His people, Jacob is the rope of His inheritance.”

Why does the parsha use the comparison of a rope? I will share with you one of the many reasons. The rope is used as an explanation of our connection with Hashem. Each of the 613 mitzvot is a strand of the rope that connects us to Hashem. Each time we do not keep one of the mitzvot, one of the strands of our rope is broken, which weakens our connection to Hashem.

This is a lesson for all of us: We have to make sure to keep the rope that connects us to Hashem whole! We do not want to weaken it by breaking strands.

If you are willing to share, what is a mitzvah with which you have a weak strand (that is hard for you)? If not, what is a mitzvah with which you have a very strong strand (that you make sure to always keep)?

Have a great Sukkot!

<3 Tamar