Check out this video below that we made with a clip of my father Rabbi Wasserman o”bm dancing with me when I was 6 years old. We discovered this video from Tishrei with the Rebbe on the day that we got the OK to close on our new Home for JGU & CHABAD of S. Rensselaer. 


Here is the inside story:
The closing was canceled the day before it was scheduled for last Thursday. What? How could this be? There were unexpected complications that had to be resolved first. We did our part to help clarify the issue and with bated breath, we awaited news that things were cleared for closing.

Thursday is the day I teach a prayer class for women online. I already invited women to bring L’chaim to celebrate our happy occasion. This was not in the plan. What if the worst happens? I refused to think about it. I felt like canceling my class because I couldn’t think straight. If I didn’t have peace of mind, how could I inspire others? And what would I say? I was planning to celebrate with our participants and praise Hashem. Now what?

The words of the Tanya of the day gave me strength, “_Since everything is in G‑d’s hands there is no reason to become angry. This is so only in order that he prevail and strengthen himself ever more in his prayers, from the depths of his heart, and with such intense concentration”._ And so I picked up a Psalm and prayed just like King David in times of distress.

A friend, Nechama Dina Zweibel encouraged me to say L’chaim in advance in our online class and thank Hashem for the salvation. Together, we thanked Hashem in advance for granting our wishes, as if they happened already. I said, “Thank You, Hashem, for granting us a new home for JGU, where we will create a dwelling place for You”.

I shared that if King Chizkiyahu would not have waited to sing Shira until after the Jews were saved [from the Army of Sancherev], he would have been Moshiach and brought the complete redemption. The Shelah says that the redemption will come when we begin the Shir Chadash – New Song of thanks for the incredible miracles of redemption, before the Geula takes place, out of our tremendous trust and joy. This itself brings the Geula.

At the end of class, I randomly played a Niggun [song] in our virtual room and it turned out to be Ki B’simcha Saitzau – “**You will go out with joy, and be led forth in peace. The mountains and the hills will burst into song and the trees will clap their hands” (Isaiah 55:12)**. I knew these words would be fulfilled. It was time to sing and dance, not only ourselves but with the hills [the property is on Thompson Hill Rd.] bursting into song and the many trees on the property clapping their hands!

It was Friday morning, and we didn’t receive the ok yet. I took a deep breath and remained confident in Hashem’s miracles. I had seen so many miracles unfold until now. After my morning prayers, I sat down for my morning coffee. I had a few moments to check my email and I remembered that my father’s 2nd-grade student, Rabbi Eli Abramowitz, had sent me an email a couple days ago, but I didn’t have a moment to catch my breath to open it.

He wrote: Look at 28:14 I think that’s you with your father and brother all the best! https://www.youtube.com/watch…

I clicked open “Tishrei with the Rebbe” on Youtube and with complete amazement, I see my father o”bm dancing in 770, [the Chabad Headquarters, the Shul I grew up with the Rebbe] with my brother. Mendy, and me in his hands to the song, “VSomachta VHogecho – Let’s rejoice”. I was 100% certain that today we would receive the final approval for closing. I was overcome with emotion and found myself laughing with tears in my eyes.

We still had to resolve one more issue, but it was with strength, knowing that my father, Rabbi Azriel Wasserman o”bm was already dancing with joy in heaven. Shortly after, we received the ok and the closing was rescheduled for 8 Cheshvan – #8 represents miracles. Baruch Hashem, on Wednesday morning we closed and received a golden key to our new home for JGU.

We thank you friends and family for your love and support that has brought us to this happy day… shehecheyanu, v’kiyimanu, v’higiyanu la’z’man ha’zeh! Blessed are You Lord our God, Ruler of the Universe who has given us life, sustained us, and allowed us to reach this day.