Shalom, Chaveirot, Ma Shlomchen?

(that’s Hebrew for, “Hello, friends, how are you?”)
My new obsession is that one sentence… I love talking in Hebrew! It is soo much fun! Well anyway that’s not really why I’m posting… right?
I have to tell you what music I’m listening to before it changes because it is gorgeous… the singer is Shloime Kaufman, the album is EMES 2, and the
song is called… Me’ein Olam Haba! It’s gorgeous… you should really listen to it! Remember to look for Shloime Kaufman in the MUSIC NOTES article coming up this issue!
Speaking of this issue, #21, the FALL 2009 issue, it is gorgeous, I must say. Well, that’s one of the things that happens when your sister does the graphic design for a magazine: you get sneak peeks at everything every step of the way… and I must say I’ve been enjoying it quite a lot!! This issue is beautiful, and as you can see from the fact that it’s up on the website, imy”H (im yirtzeh Hashem – please G-d) it will be arriving at your homes in the next couple of weeks!
Cheers for the Editorial Staff – for the first issue done while Leah was in Israel! (Well, the bulk of the logistics were done during that time, anyway!) I must say I’m very impressed with how smoothly everything flew even though Leah wasn’t here. Obviously, it’s because of the amazing

foundation she set when she set up our outstanding Editorial Staff… especially EMILY GORDIS, PENINA HARRISON, and MIRIAM SALTZMAN… round of applause!!
As we’ve all told you, the fall issue is chock full of brand new features and columns, and 16 exciting pages of material that were not there before! Let us know what you think on our guestbook or comment on this post!
As the fall issue is finished up, the WINTER ISSUE is beginning! Once again, we’re stirring up the pot with amazing new features (which are still a secret at this point, sorry ;)) and great material to brighten up your dreary winter days… stay tuned for more info on the winter issue as we continue to work on it!
Remember, too that there is only less than 1 week left until Rosh Hashana, the beginning of the Jewish New Year… – that’s a link to some amazing articles about the basics and not so basics of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the Yomim Noraim, or Days of Awe.
I guess I should head off to bed because I have school tomorrow…
so Layla Tov (good night), and
I hope everybody has a
Ksiva Vachasima Tova
(good writing and sealing for the coming year)