Knock Knock, Who There?…
For those of you that knocking is reserved mainly for entering unfamiliar territory or that Knock, Knock joke – here is news for you that will knock your socks off. Knocking before entry comes from the Tanach! In the beginning of Melachim Aleph (Kings 1), when Batsheva comes to tell Dovid about Adoniahu anointing himself  the Novi hints that she knocked on the door.  And the door she knocked on wasn’t the bathroom (though many just knock and immidiately barge in – hoping if occupied, the door will be locked), but her husband’s chamber! It is not only polite to knock, but it says so in the Tanach as well!

P.S. A cute joke that I heard about Batsheva, due to the recent passing of Rbz. Batsheva Kanievsky meaning Jewish Girls born in the past year worldwide, especially Israel, my neice among them are named Batsheva. So the joke goes – A to B, after B had a baby: Did you have a boy or a Batsheva. School for those girls born in 5772, will be hectic in Israel with all the Batshevas. Yet I guess the Lubavitch managed pretty well with there Chaya Mushka’s, Menachem Mendels and Shneur Zalmans…

Next Weeks Question: What argument was the only argument in history where one person was 100% right and the other 100% wrong?