Chaya Mushka Bialo is a JGU member from Oregon where her family are campus shluchim, and she currently attends a Jewish girls’ high school in New York.  We interviewed her for an upcoming Spotlight Sunday at Jewish Girls Unite! 

In this feature, we will meet a different Jewish girl from around the world each week!  Stay tuned for more; and feel free to introduce yourself  and start a discussion in the comment section, below!


Q.) What is most gratifying and most difficult about being a campus shlucha?

CMB: Being a shlucha on campus is really an amazing experience. There are always little challenges that come up, but no matter what happens I know that I am the Rebbe’s chosen shlucha and I am proud of that title, and I try to live up to it as much as possible.

Q.) How are you finding high school away from home?

CMB: High school away from home is, Baruch Hashem, great!  It is hard to live away from home, and not coming home after school to your parents and siblings and a warm supper, but I know that my family is always there for me from afar! 

Q.) Why would you recommend JGU to other girls?

CMB: JGU is the most supportive, warm community that you can ever find!!  They help reveal the shining star that is inside of you!!  I only have amazing experiences with JGU!!


Do you want to contribute to the JGU Blog?  We welcome submissions from all Jewish girls!  The JGU Blog is a global platform for your self-expression and talents, to inspire and be inspired by girls like you!  Send your work or suggestions and ideas to

We will also be posting daily on our social media for Spotlight Sunday, Mitzvah Mondays, Talent Tuesdays, Wonder Woman Wednesdays, Thinking Thursdays, and Friendship Fridays.  Got a Mitzvah project you’re passionate about?  Know a special Jewish woman you want to honor with a shoutout?  Have some tips for friendships?  Send your stories, photos, writing or art to us with the subject “Daily Posts” for a chance to be featured on Instagram @jewishgirlsunite!