What a fun day!  Following our usual morning activities we had swimming and sports. While JGU’s first online club for the younger girls in Yaldah was going on, the teens and BMC finished up at swimming. Next was lunch, grow, and mincha.

In the afternoon we had an inspirational concert with Tzvia Kay and some of our amazing JGR campers and staff. There was so much singing, dancing and joy!

In the theater the shadchim announced the wedding of Chaya Mushka and Menachem Mendel. This meant we had to get ready for JGR’s mock wedding! All the bunks dressed up in nice or funny costumes. Then was kabolas ponim and the ceremony. After that, the festivities began with dinner and dancing. There was even wedding cake. During the reception the bunks presented their gifts to the “couple”

We were all ready for bed after such a super fun day!