Hi everyone! The rumor’s true… I’ve found the other half of my soul and am engaged to Michael Caras! Our wedding will be, G-d willing, at the end of June, so things have been quite busy around here! I’ll try to keep all the YALDAH readers in the loop about wedding plans and all that fun stuff…

I also spent the past few weeks without a computer. Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you I’m pretty much glued to my laptop. If you would have asked me if I could ever part from it for over two weeks I would have said no. And yet, we learn new things about ourselves every day. When the Apple store told me they could do the repair in 5-7 days (a $1300 repair for free!) I flinched but told myself it’s worth it. After a week when I didn’t have my computer back I started to get nervous. Turns out all the action in Japan slowed down some of the parts they needed for the replacement. Each day I eagerly checked the repair status and saw “awaiting part”. But I learned how to cope. It wasn’t exactly a computer-free experience because I had my wonderful iPhone with me all the time. My friends were also generous enough to lend me their laptops so I could get some important work done. And I also learned that sometimes even really important deadlines just have to wait. After 15 days I got my computer back on Friday. It’s newer than it ever looked, and as a side benefit it’s clean for Pesach! Now it’s time to get back to work on the Spring issue…

Yes, the Spring issue! I know it’s already Pesach and I’m sure you’re all wondering where the Spring issue is. It’s coming, I promise. It’s not at the printer yet, and we still have a few pages that need designing. Gabi, our graphic designer has been hard at work amid Pesach cleaning. Lena and Tali have done a great job editing articles, and I see things really coming together. I’m sure that all the articles will be just as interesting and fun when you get to read them in May.

In the meantime, I’m really excited about our Jewish Girls Unity Forum. It’s a place where you can stay in touch with other YALDAH readers in between issues. So while you’re waiting for the Spring issue, get to know your fellow readers and join the forum today! It’s fun, safe, and included in your subscription.

Wishing you and your families a happy and kosher Pesach!
Leah :-)