Being​ ​a​ ​student​ ​is​ ​hard.​ ​It​ ​comes​ ​with​ ​many​ ​challenges​ ​and​ ​unwarranted​ ​stress.​ ​But believe​ ​it​ ​or​ ​not,​ ​there​ ​are​ ​ways​ ​to​ ​make​ ​your​ ​school​ ​career​ ​much,​ ​much​ ​easier.​ ​In​ ​this​ ​article, we’ll​ ​navigate​ ​eight​ ​ways​ ​to​ ​make​ ​your​ ​day-to-day​ ​school​ ​life​ ​easier.

Without​ ​further​ ​ado,​ ​​How to be a Successful Student​:

1.​​ ​Ask​ ​questions​ ​when​ ​you​ ​do​ ​not​ ​understand​ ​something​.​ ​If​ ​you​ ​are​ ​too​ ​embarrassed​ ​to​ ​ask​ ​a question​ ​in​ ​class,​ ​wait​ ​until​ ​the​ ​end​ ​and​ ​ask​ ​the​ ​teacher​ ​in​ ​private.​ ​When​ ​in​ ​doubt,​ ​remember​ ​this: One who asks questions looks ignorant for a moment, but one who never asks a question remains ignorant forever.

2.​ ​​Take​ ​large​ ​assignments,​ ​like​ ​research​ ​projects​ ​or​ ​reports,​ ​and​ ​break​ ​them​ ​down​ ​into small​ ​tasks.​ ​​For​ ​example,​ ​a​ ​research​ ​project​ ​can​ ​be​ ​broken​ ​down​ ​into:

​ ​1)​ ​Picking​ ​a​ ​subject

​ ​2)​ ​Doing​ ​the​ ​research

​ ​3)​ ​Creating​ ​an​ ​outline

​ ​4)​ ​Writing​ ​the​ ​rough​ ​draft

​ ​5)​ ​Writing​ ​the​ ​final​ ​piece

​ ​Set​ ​a​ ​deadline​ ​for​ ​each​ ​task​ ​and​ ​reward​ ​yourself​ ​as​ ​you​ ​complete​ ​them!

3.​​ ​Each​ ​day,​ ​be​ ​sure​ ​to​ ​make​ ​a​ ​list​ ​of​ ​things​ ​you​ ​need​ ​to​ ​do.​ ​​You​ ​can​ ​use​ ​a​ ​school​ ​planner​ ​(if you’re​ ​provided​ ​with​ ​one),​ ​a​ ​bullet​ ​journal,​ ​a​ ​notebook,​ ​whatever​ ​you​ ​can​ ​find.​ ​Record​ ​your homework​ ​assignments,​ ​projects,​ ​reports,​ ​to-do​ ​lists,​ ​goals,​ ​etc.​  ​Be​ ​sure​ ​to​ ​also​ ​write​ ​down​ ​the dates​ ​of​ ​tests​ ​and​ ​quizzes​ ​to​ ​remind​ ​you​ ​to​ ​study.

4.​ ​​Keep​ ​your​ ​schoolwork​ ​organized​.​ ​Try​ ​to​ ​keep​ ​your​ ​work​ ​together​ ​so​ ​that​ ​you​ ​don’t​ ​lose anything​ ​important.​ ​Use​ ​a​ ​binder​ ​and​ ​put​ ​your​ ​schoolwork​ ​from​ ​each​ ​class​ ​into​ ​it.​ ​Use​ ​notebooks to​ ​take​ ​notes​ ​from​ ​your​ ​classes​ ​whenever​ ​possible.​ ​Bonus:​ ​personalize​ ​your​ ​things​ ​with decorative​ ​tapes,​ ​designs,​ ​photos,​ ​stickers,​ ​etc.

5.​ ​​Make​ ​a​ ​homework​ ​schedule​ ​and​ ​stick​ ​to​ ​it.​​ ​Have​ ​a​ ​set​ ​time​ ​set​ ​each​ ​afternoon​ ​when​ ​you will​ ​work​ ​on​ ​homework.​ ​Be​ ​sure​ ​to​ ​do​ ​your​ ​homework​ ​in​ ​a​ ​quiet​ ​place,​ ​and​ ​allow​ ​yourself breaks​ ​in​ ​between​ ​(that​ ​is,​ ​if​ ​you’re​ ​working​ ​for​ ​a​ ​long​ ​time;​ ​don’t​ ​take​ ​a​ ​break​ ​after​ ​five​ ​minutes into​ ​your​ ​first​ ​and​ ​only​ ​three-problem​ ​worksheet).​ ​If​ ​you’re​ ​having​ ​difficulties​ ​with​ ​an assignment,​ ​don’t​ ​be​ ​afraid​ ​to​ ​ask​ ​a​ ​family​ ​member​ ​for​ ​help,​ ​call​ ​a​ ​friend,​ ​or​ ​write​ ​down questions​ ​to​ ​ask​ ​the​ ​teacher​ ​at​ ​school​ ​the​ ​next​ ​day​ ​(if​ ​you​ ​do​ ​as​ ​much​ ​as​ ​you​ ​possibly​ ​can,​ ​​ ​your teacher​ ​will​ ​more​ ​than​ ​likely​ ​understand).​ ​Remember,​ ​​you can’t win all the time; doing the best you can is what is most important.

6.​​ ​Always​ ​study​ ​for​ ​tests​ ​and​ ​quizzes​ ​a​ ​few​ ​days​ ​in​ ​advance.​ ​​Never​ ​cram​ ​the​ ​night​ ​before​ ​a test.​ ​It​ ​takes​ ​time​ ​to​ ​become​ ​familiar​ ​with​ ​things​ ​we​ ​are​ ​trying​ ​to​ ​learn.​ ​ALWAYS​ ​drink​ ​water while​ ​you’re​ ​studying!​  It’s​ ​very​ ​important​ ​to​ ​stay​ ​hydrated.

7.​ ​​Think​ ​positive​ ​about​ ​yourself.​ ​If​ ​you​ ​fail​ ​at​ ​something,​ ​try​ ​harder​ ​the​ ​next​ ​time​ ​and don’t​ ​ever​ ​give​ ​up.​​ ​Believe​ ​in​ ​yourself​ ​and​ ​don’t​ ​let​ ​negative​ ​comments​ ​from​ ​others​ ​get​ ​in​ ​your way.​ ​There​ ​is​ ​no​ ​limit​ ​to​ ​what​ ​we​ ​can​ ​do​ ​if​ ​we​ ​have​ ​​emunah.

8.​​ ​Eat​ ​a​ ​balanced​ ​diet​ ​(easy​ ​on​ ​the​ ​sweets),​ ​get​ ​enough​ ​sleep,​ ​and​ ​exercise​ ​regularly.​​ ​Be​ ​sure to​ ​eat​ ​a​ ​good​ ​breakfast​ ​(eggs​ ​are​ ​always​ ​a​ ​good​ ​option;​ ​high​ ​in​ ​protein)​ ​to​ ​energize​ ​yourself​ ​for the​ ​day.​ ​Research​ ​shows​ ​that​ ​teens​ ​need​ ​eight​ ​to​ ​nine​ ​hours​ ​of​ ​sleep​ ​per​ ​night.​ ​If​ ​you​ ​feel​ ​tired, try​ ​going​ ​to​ ​bed​ ​earlier.​ ​As​ ​for​ ​exercise,​ ​go​ ​for​ ​a​ ​run,​ ​do​ ​some​ ​yoga​ ​,​ ​or​ ​if​ ​you’re​ ​not​ ​one​ ​for running​ ​or​ ​aren’t​ ​flexible,​ ​a​ ​walk​ ​can​ ​be​ ​beneficial.

These​ ​eight​ ​things​ ​are​ ​sure​ ​to​ ​make​ ​your​ ​life​ ​as​ ​a​ ​student​ ​easier​ ​and​ ​less​ ​stressful.​ ​By using​ ​them,​ ​you’ll​ ​find​ ​your​ ​days​ ​becoming​ ​easier​ ​and​ ​your​ ​life​ ​becoming​ ​happier​ ​and​ ​less overwhelming.​ ​Good​ ​luck!