So soon its Pesach (Passover) and I was in the mood to make something extra before I can’t eat it for about 2 weeks! As you probably can guess, when ever I make some thing extra it is gonna be chocolate! This is pretty much a school snack type of thing, or some thing to fill up your cookie jar. However you can also use it for casual desserts if you want! It is from my favorite Kosher by Design: Short on Time by Susie Fishbein. I am so excited, this is my most exciting recipe! Here we go…
So for starters you will need a pan lined with foil, a bowl, spoon, measuring cups and spoons and a cup.
- 1/2 a cup of cranola oil/ vege. oil
- 2 cups of sugar
- 2 cups of all purpose flour
- 1 cup of cocoa
- 4 large eggs
- 1 tspn of vanilla
- 2 tspns of baking powder
- confesctionary sugar
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees and mix everything, except for the confectionary sugar, together. It should come out to be a thick dough.
- Roll the dough out into gulf sized balls and roll them in the confectionary sugar. Make sure that the ball is COMPLETELY coated in the sugar before putting it on the pan.
- Bake for around 15 minutes and cool completely.
Here is a picture so you know what to expect!
btw I really would like to hear your experiences so please feel free to post!
Have a Kosher and Happy Pesach and enjoy!
-Malka Bettoun.
noooo dont do this to me
our kitchen is basically pesach cleaned so i cant make it :(:(
but it looks good :D
I’m really excited to try this out after Pesach! But same here Rivky, everything pesach cleaned!
I kinda expected people not to be able to make the recipe until after pessach…since everything is clean in most houses!
In my house we didn’t start cleaning until very late so I was able to make them!
I think I will post a kosher for pessach recipe on pessach so you dont have to wait that long!
Have a happy and kosher pessach!
I’m making these cookies right now I’ll tell you soon how they came out :D:D
They came out aweeesome!!!!!!! Wow, thanks!
glad they came out good!
aren’t they delicious?
these are seriously my favourite cookies, luv them!
i really encourage every one to try this recipe!
yum those are the best i made them
i made it with my students last week and they LOVED it!!!!!! it was YUM!