file9171249322489Hi!  Its me again, Rivkah Chaya!

Today I’m going to talk about my background, so lets get started!

I was born in Silver Spring, Maryland on April 8.  I share the same birthday as my dad.  I think that’s kind of neat.  I have three siblings.

My family and I moved to Israel when I was about four years old.  I lived there for 4 1/2 years.   Sometimes I would travel back to the States to see my Bubbie and Zadie in Florida.  In Israel, I started school in a Trom Gan Chova, which is like nursery school for four year olds.

We first lived in Raanana, and then we moved to Beit Shemesh.  When I lived in Beit Shemesh, I started first grade in a school called Orot Banot.  I made lots of friends there.

When I was in 2nd grade, my family moved to Florida, where we still live now.  At the time, I did not know how to read English and I didn’t even know the ABC’s when I moved back to the United States, but my 2nd grade public school teacher at Bay Harbor Elementary taught me English and all the letters.  Only three weeks later, I started getting  A’s on my spelling tests!

For 3rd grade, I attended a Yeshiva in North Miami Beach. It was hard for me there.  My English was still not very good so it was hard to keep up with everyone there and my teachers could not give me the extra time I needed from them.  I don’t blame them.  The classes were large.

Starting in 4th grade, I went back to public school at Bay Harbor Elementary and have been there ever since.  I am now in 6th grade and I am off to a great start.  My favorite subjects are math and science.  I’m very  happy there!!!!

Because I go to public school, I have my “public school friends” as well as my “Shabbos friends.”

Now that you know my background I will start telling you about what happens to me every week.  Stay tuned…..