Since we don’t have a ‘behind the scenes’ page on anymore, and that’s what this blog is supposed to be, I figured I’d post the old behind the scenes photos here. Enjoy!
Making the Edible Beach Fun for the Summer issue:
When we used to have to mail out the magazines ourself! Now, Thank G-d, our printer mails them out:

Leah Larson holds “a few” envelopes:

Photographing a craft in our makeshift ‘photo studio’! Rochel Larson hold a lamp for the proper lighting, and the window shade is the background!
Making sure each page looks the best it can:
It takes lots of work to turn a great photo into a great cover! Here’s the original photo that was submitted for the cover:

And here’s what we ended up with:

Good point! I forgot we had still linked to it there. What I meant was that we don’t have an official behind the scenes page on the menu on the left side.
What do you mean? I see a ‘photos behind the scenes’ page on It’s in the little paragraph about your website.