I just got back from the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL) Convention which this year was in Cambridge MA. I did a presentation about YALDAH there as part of a session: “Fiction/nonfiction written for tween and teen girls.” The convention was at the gorgeous Hyatt Regency in Cambridge and librarians from all over participated.

As a presenter, I was treated to a fancy sit-down lunch with the librarians in an outdoor tent. Afterwards was my session.
The first two presenters were Robin Levinson who writes books for the Gali Girls Jewish History Series (we reviewed her book Miriam’s Journey in issue #7–you can buy her books at the YALDAH store at www.yaldahmagazine.com). Then Penina Adelman spoke about her book “The JGirls Guide”.

I was busy figuring out some technical issues with whether the slideshow I made would work on the projector, but Thank G-d we worked everything out in time for me to present. I spoke about what YALDAH is, how I started YALDAH, and how librarians can get involved with YALDAH. Afterwards, people were very interested and came up to me with all kinds of suggestions, comments, and praise. The librarians were very enthusiastic about sharing YALDAH with their libraries. I sold copies of YALDAH and gave out flyers too. Afterwards, people told me that the presentation was very well put together. It’s funny, because I was never good at public speaking–I used to get so nervous. This time, I wasn’t even nervous. I guess I’m getting better at it with practice. Well, that’s all for now. The summer issue is being sent out now, so hopefully you should all get it soon.

Leah :-)