Dear Sister,

In partnership with Jewish Girls Unite, one of our members, Chaya Mushka Kievman from Melbourne, Australia, has sparked a new initiative: Virtual Farbrengens!

We are so excited to G-d willing soon present and share them with you!

Farbrengen is Yiddish simply for “gathering,” and is an incredibly uplifting experience for the soul.  Together we learn and sing, we grow and bond, (re)connecting to Hashem, each other, and our inner selves.

How can you get involved?  As part of this announcement, we ask you to please consider what topics you would be interested in learning more about, or send us questions you have – anything in the broad and vibrant spectrum of Torah, Mitzvos, Jewish Thought or Jewish Living.  In turn, Chaya Mushka and I (and hopefully soon our team will grow!) will develop a Farbrengen providing inspiration and answers to your questions – full of fun and meaning, and something for everyone!

Together, let’s link in a chain of inspiration, plant seeds of wisdom, and pass on the torch of Torah to each ignite our corners of the world!  Let’s go global, and pave the way for Moshiach!

For more information, and to send in your suggestions/questions, contact:


If you have an idea for our next Farbrengen, please send email with the subject, “JGU Virtual Farbrengen Topic.”

Thank you, and looking forward to being in touch!

With love and blessings,

Chaya Mushka Kievman, Tzipporah Prottas & Team JGU