My name is Rachael Hannah Tahir. I am 11 years old and an only child.
My grandmother started teaching me to sew when I was six. Now sewing is my favorite thing to do. I make almost all of my own clothes and design almost all of what I make (I do occasionally use store-bought patterns, but not very often). I am the only person in my family who designs clothes. I have a lot of great ideas about sewing modest clothes and making store-bought clothes modest (and way nicer). I have included a picture of me in a shirt I made and designed.
I am excited to share my sewing projects. Some will be clothes, and some will be other sewn crafts. I can’t wait to hear what you think.
Stay tuned, in the next couple days I will upload my first sewing project.
Hi Rachael
I m from France and i want to congratulate for tour job.
Your grand mother must be very proud of you!
Liza, thanks, that is very nice of you to say. I hope you like the projects
I am very excited to begin sewing! We recently got a sewing machine so I am interested in sewing!!!
That is so cool!! I love my sewing machine. My first project should post soon. It is one of my favorite non-clothes things to make. I hope you like to make it too!!!!
i’m not a great sewer, but i love 2 embroider. i’m making a pillow now. cl
That is so cool. It sound awesome
i do not like sewing but you changed my mind about that and now i want to learn how to you have anytips for me
Thank you. A few tips I have are to choose easy projects first like a pillow (I am posting a pillow soon) or simple skirt. Choose a fabric like fleece for your first project because it doesn’t fray or ravel. Also, try not to use prints like checks or stripes because your mistakes show more. If your mistake doesn’t show, don’t pull it out because you are more likely to make holes. Most important don’t make a project if you don’t like what it looks like in the picture on the pattern envelope. Oh yeah and have fun.
I used to sew, and I liked it, but I stopped because it takes too much time, and I do it messily. Do you have any tips for me?
Dear Rachel,
Mazal Tov on your sewing projects. It is very refreshing to hear about young Jewish girls into sewing.
I too learned how to sew when I was young, very young, and I grew up with an antique mechanical Singer Sewing Machine with a wide swing-like foot pedal that is very pretty. My grandmother and mother sewed. I learn formal sewing at school in a home economics class.
When my girls were born, I continued to sew for them.
Today, I run, sewing according to Jewish modesty, for women and girls. I wish you much chizuk in your talents and skills. If you have any questions regarding Jewish modesty, please do not hesitate to contact me through my store.
Chag Kasher v’Sameach!
That is so cool, thank you.
Chag Kasher v’Sameach.
Leora, Sorry it took me a while to respond. What I would recommend are simple projects like more a-line skirts.
I can’t belive you can sew!I tried and tried to sew but I never did.Do you have any tips?
Sarale Bitton: Does your mom know how? Maybe you have a Savta or Dodah to help? Otherwise, there must be a friend or friend’s mother to guide you.
well my mother knows a little bit about sewing but my Savta knows a lot but she is so busy with other things so she dosen’t have much time.
Hinda, your are absolutely right a parent, grandparent our aaunt are great people to teach you. Sarale, I have some great tips. Some I have already posted or will post soon. To start though, my best suggestion is to choose a simple project first like a simple pillow or a simple a-line skirt, and use a fabric that doesn’t ravel like a fleece (i know its hot for that this time of year). I would read all insructions before I start. If you hsve a project that you are working on, feel free to ask me.
Thank You for your tips!I am going to start on a simple project.With out your posts I wouldn’t even try to sew again.
Thank you! :-) I am sure you will sew well
Once I made a skirt with my grandmother! It turned out awesome!
Skirts are so easy to make once you get the hang of it. :) It’s great because if commercially skirts are too short, too long, or too tight for you, etc, you can always make one yourself with your own custom measurements!
Easy to sew skirt and blouse patterns for girls that meet tznius requirements can be found in my store.
Lots of free and paid tutorials to help you in your sewing!
Come visit!