Hey everyone,
As you may have guessed from the title, I’m freezing right now… I’m in a hotel lobby (long story- my family’s living in a hotel right now because we had a flood and we’re fixing our house) and it’s freezing in here. I’ve just been editing articles for an hour so I’m taking a break to tell the world that my toes are cold… and my fingers… and my nose…
I don’t know how busy grade 11 is (not 11th grade, Nechama), but I know grade 10 is the hardest so far. I’ve found out that I can’t get away with reading in class anymore, not because my books will get confiscated but because I’m about to fail a math test, and fail spectacularly…
More about the magazine: I haven’t gotten my fall one yet, which is so annoying, because I’m in a lot of the pictures and I hate pictures so I want to see just how awful I look, and also because I want to read it… on paper, not on a screen!
Gonna go now… the articles call… I may even be able to study for a bit if I finish.
G’nite, all,
It is too 11th grade Penina (lol)!Aliza:)
Ok I know this is a little personal argument which Ill break into… on behalf of the entire united states it is grade 11! luv,Becca
Actually, on behalf of the entire united states it's 11th grade.
Ya chavie! lol peopledoesn't matter really, but i guess depends where u live. si nechama's right for where she lives (and where i live and chavie also i guess) and penina is right for…canadaa-iza :0
Lol I DID make a mix up haha it IS 11th grade in America.. at least everyone I know here hehe.Canada says many things that are different, like washroom ?? never got that one… Rebecca
i dunno i say bathroom… just not to teachers, in class i say can i go to the washroom… never consciously noticed that before.