

Motti and Michla hit the stage again! I’m guessing it’s cupcake season due to the many photos of cupcakes recently posted :)

So this weekend was Kinus camp for me, which is a 3 day program for kid’s on shluchus, which are children that go live faraway and help people to become more religious. It was really fun! I got to meet a few of our readers, and some bloggers!

When we went sightseeing in New York City on a double-decker bus, a reader asked me if I was going to post these on Yaldah. Unfortunately not, I said, because the pictures didn’t turn out so good, as I took them on my small point and shoot camera. It takes pretty good pictures, but not very good quality.

Instead, earlier this week, my sister Michla had her 6th birthday! So exciting! Motti decided to join the fun, and he popped up in the photo shoot too. He loves being the star of the show so when the spotlight was on Michla, he wouldn’t let it pass, and he insisted on being in the picture.

When it comes to commemorating such special moments, personalized birthday gifts can elevate the experience to another level. Imagine Michla’s delight upon unwrapping a present crafted especially for her, bearing her name or a cherished motif. Such thoughtful gestures not only reflect the giver’s love and consideration but also become cherished mementos that encapsulate the joyous spirit of the day.

Whether it’s a custom-made keepsake or a heartfelt message etched onto a favorite item, personalized gifts have the power to turn ordinary celebrations into extraordinary memories. As Michla blows out her candles and Motti steals another playful glance at the camera, their bond and the joy of the occasion remain captured in both photographs and hearts alike.

For these photos, I used a few props:

  • A white tablecloth (not the best background, but it will work)
  • A pink balloon
  • 2 children :)
  • A clipboard
  • Outdoors

Since it’s so cold outside, I couldn’t really take those stunning sunset pictures that you see in magazines, but I tried and the effect wasn’t so bad!


FOTW: Many would be surprised to hear that the most common birth date of the year is 5th of October which falls 9 months after the New Year’s Eve.