Hello everyone!  My name is Tehila Leverton. I am an only child, and I live in Brooklyn.

I am really excited to write about my bas mitzvah and the days leading up to it, along with a few tips for all of you!

My bas mitzvah is in about 2 weeks and I’m really, really excited! I wish I could invite all of you!

Well, let me tell you a bit more about myself!

I have loads and loads and loads of cousins (my mother is one of 16:)), so I guess if you thought my house is as quiet as a library, then let me tell you a secret: “It’s not!”

I have 18 other girls in my class and about 10 teachers! It’s nice to have a change in the classroom, but the homework- forget about it!

My mother loves to host, so even if you think :” She’s so lucky! She has her own room and a house to herself without any little kids running around and bothering her!”, I give up my room almost every other week!

Well, I guess that’s all for now!

Let’s get started on this journey!
