Dear Sarah <3,
You inspired me to be kind to everyone even if they did something bad in the past. You taught me that I can overcome anything. You taught me that I should never give up even if I make a mistake, I should keep going. You inspire me to trust and believe in Hashem more than I already did. You taught me that everyone has their own tent, whether it’s made for drawing, painting, reading, writing and more. You inspire me to believe in myself and others. You had so much courage, and you were so strong. You were passionate about a lot of things. You lit up the dark world and made it a brighter place. Your life had meaning and purpose. Every day you invited everyone into your tent. You reached your goals no matter what. You inspire me to reach my goals. One of my goals right now is to do well in school. A dream I want is to have a baby sibling, whether it’s adopted or not. Sarah, you are strong and taught me that any Jewish girl can grow to be a strong Jewish woman.
Daniella Eckhaus

— Daniella Eckhaus, Age 9
New York, New York