By JGU All Stars Chaya Mushka Bialo and Mushka Miriam Weingarten, written and performed jointly at the end-of-camp banquet on Wednesday evening, August 18.
We go to JGU and we have whom to thank,
Na na na na na na na
They gave of themselves for our sake,
Na na na na na na na
They gave us the opportunity, to grow and shine our light
Na na na na na na na
Now we are so very bright
(Big na na)
For dance we had Karen Sarto,
Na na na na na na na
She taught us dances from head to toe,
Na na na na na na na
She always had a smile and a welcoming face,
Na na na na na na na
She taught us dance with love and grace,
(Big na na)
Lauren Balsam was our dance teacher too,
Na na na na na na na
She taught cool dances and moves for you,
Na na na na na na na
She has a lot of creativity,
Na na na na na na na,
And best of all sensitivity,
(Big na na)
Tzirel Liba Mitzmann taught us song,
Na na na na na na na
She created a big bond,
Na na na na na na na
With all the campers and counselors galore,
Na na na na na na na
The songs she taught us touched us to the core,
(Big na na)
Rae Shagalov, passion projects you do teach,
Na na na na na na na,
Our hearts you do reach,
Na na na na na na na
You teach us how to be kind and stretch our hearts,
Na na na na na na na
You were the best right from the start,
(big na na)
Delicious muffins, baked goods galore
Na na na na na na na
Always tasty and better than the store
Na na na na na
Nutritious and healthy at the same time
Na na na na na na
Rina Devorah, you are truly divine
(big na na)
For drama and production, we thank Neshama Sari
Na na na na na na na
She is patient and cheerful always happy
Na na na na na na na
An amazing teacher, taught drama so well
Na na na na na na
She has a bright future, we can tell
(big na na)
Tzipporah Prottas, the best counselor you can find,
Na na na na na na na
She is so Emes’dik and refined,
Na na na na na na na
She has abundant creativity,
Na na na na na na na
And creative writing is her specialty,
(big na na)
Our amazing high school counselor, Ilanit,
Na na na na na na na
She really truly cannot be beat,
Na na na na na na na
We learnt so much from all her lessons,
Na na na na na na na
And gained a lot from Zumba classes,
(big na na)
The Kahoot! games were quite jolly
Na na na na na na na
Yaffah Ferber, it’s her specialty
Na na na na na na
You put so much effort, that we could tell
Na na na na na
We learn so much and had fun as well
(Big na na)
Shoshi Ferber, a song bird she is,
Na na na na na na na
She spread her talent with girls with lots of chayis
Na na na na na na na
Her tips she gave will help us forever,
Na na na na na na na
She is always there even in the toughest weather,
(big na na)
Yakira Colish, our super debater,
Na na na na na na na
Encouraging us to rule in someone’s favor,
Na na na na na na na
She ran debate so efficiently,
Na na na na na na na
And always being our friend especially,
(big na na)
Chana Laber, what can we say
Na na na na na na na
We are so much better at art today
Na na na na na na
You are so skilled and taught expertly
Na na na na na na
Now we are are all artists totally
(Big na na)
Ahuva Coates, parsha art you did teach,
Na na na na na na na
Our hearts you really did reach,
Na na na na na na na
You are creative, modest, and humble too,
Na na na na na na na,
We loved learning about the parsha with you,
(big na na)
Miriam Yerushalami, you are the best,
Na na na na na na na
Your art and meditation made us relax,
Na na na na na na na
You cared for us you taught us lovingly,
Na na na na na na na
And you are also very bubbly,
(big na na)
Rivka Laber, your campers love you,
Na na na na na na na
You do the best activities and teach us things too,
Na na na na na na na
You have so much sensitivity,
Na na na na na na na,
We enjoy each and every activity,
(big na na)
Tzivia Kay, we love your songs
Na na na na na na
Your recipes are delicious and easy to follow along
Na na na na na na
Your songs are catchy and modest to,
Na na na na na na na
They teach us how to love being a Jew,
(big na na)
Maital, and Chana Weiss, we are grateful to you,
Na na na na na na na
You watched Super Stars at lunch, they love you,
Na na na na na na na
You came up with ideas creatively,
Na na na na na na na
You are truly awesome, yessiree,
(big na na)
Nechama Laber, there are no words to express,
Na na na na na na na
You are really truly wonderfully the best,
You believed in us and put us to the test,
Na na na na na na na
And now our talents are being expressed,
(big na na)
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