Pots boiling on the stove
Papers scattered on the table
Rush, rush, the clock is ticking fast
Quick hide the laundry pile
Wipe up spills

I check the mirror
I pause
I breathe
Lift match to candle

Light flashes
Voice quiet
Whispering secret hopes
I smile at my daughters
Reach for a hug

Set the table
I can transform chaos into calm

Shabbos ends
Slowly back to noise and work

I feel my candle glow inside
When chaos creeps into my day
With fighting siblings
Friendships breaking
I can bring that Shabbos calm


And then share my flame of kindness
Smile, Listen, Laugh
Light someone else’s candle
So they can pass it on

— Mrs. Yedida Wolfe
JGU Writing Coach
Creative Online Club