Dreaming of Sparkles
Dreaming of sparkles of stars in the night
Twinkling stars dancing, friends holding tight
The moon shines lovingly soothing our souls
Uniting us all to borei haolam
Even though the sun has gone away
The moon has come till tomorrow’s day
So reach out and touch upon a falling star
Dream of other worlds but don’t go too far
Shluff mein kind Hub a zeese Tracht
Shema Yisrael a gutte nacht
Each time that you smile, each thing that you share
You’re changing the world Cuz you took time to care
You’re giving us nachas each mitzvah you do
Remember dear JGU we really love you!!!
is it possible mrs. laber if you could add the lyrics??
Yes, I will IYH!
I love this song!
the song was written by Dini Shanowitz, in camp Emuna.
PS, she was my mother’s counselor, and she would sing it every night.
My mother knows it, too, and we sing it together.
That’s so cute! My sisters were in a choir were they sang it! Now we sing it together.
I really like this song????