Here are the Lyrics:

The Power of One

Within each of us lies a special spark

All comes from the same place

expressing something great


And when we are put to the test

We can access this deep gem

a real part of Hashem


Whether it is easy or it’s hard

When we tap into our strengths,

then we blossom we create

Like Esther in the palace of the king

Hashem wants us to bring holiness to everything



We are never too low

to stand up and proudly show

our unique, deep G-dly side

that doesn’t want to hide


We may be the only one to stay strong

against what’s wrong

With Hashem’s help we’ll succeed

Yagaiti Umatzasi Ta’amin


Though many Jews did not listen to him

Mordechai he influenced about Judaism

Encouraging the children to stay strong

to be loyal to Hashem no matter what, no matter when


He used his courage and his loyalty,

His individuality to be on Hashem’s team

With Esther they both saved our dear nation

Not held back by their fears

Their effect does last for years



We are never too low

to stand up and proudly show

our unique, deep G-dly side

that doesn’t want to hide


We may be the only one to stay strong

against what’s wrong

With Hashem’s help we’ll succeed

Yagaiti Ymatzasi Ta’amin