Hello there!

This weekend was very exciting… the Editorial Board 2010 received our EB sweatshirts!! Many thanks go to Rebecca Berlin for coordinating them and putting so much time into them; I can empathize, I did it last time ;)
Anyway, here’s a couple pictures of the Milwaukee contingent of the ’10 board – me, Sarah Saltzman (yes, my sister) & Tova Appel!
I hope your summer’s going well!
Other board members – feel free to send me YOUR sweatshirt pictures and they might make it up here! And if you meet up with any other board members this summer, bring on the pictures! You know my address, right? :)
Talk to you later,
P.S. Listening to Raninu by The Chevra (Eli Gerstner) on Chevra 3… wow this is old it was big when I was in 8th grade!!!